
applying myself

one phone call. having a conversation we have had before. but for some reason this time i acted.

i have been wondering what, where, when to do...or start doing...start attempting to do something again. last saturday having a conversation about life that i have had before with my favorite downtown vancouverite something clicked and i acted.

'go back to school like the rest of us.'

he is right. many of my mid-and-later twenty something friends are finding themselves returning back the classroom. this is something i have thought of before and yet didn't think it was time. i am applying. and if accepted moving to the city i grew up in.

i am hopeful this is the direction i need to be going. God will tell me if it is. until then i apply and wait to see if the door is opened.


sunflowers and future

i bought a sunflower today. i needed the smiles. not that i've been sad, just feeling icky today. in fact this last week has been quite good for me, happy-wise.

still having a hard time accepting where i am...don't know what i am to do in the grander scheme... the choices are...

...stay at the newly acquired painting department position, explore the painting/design world

...work towards school...becoming a teacher

...move to winnipeg in october and return to the coffeeshop

...investigate buying a coffeeshop of my own

maybe i should put them all in a hat and ...well let the hat decide. hahaha

for now. i have my sunflower!